SRD:Halflings—Tallfellows (Race)
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Also see the halfling creature listing.
Tallfellows are somewhat rare among halfling folk. Tallfellows are 4 feet tall or more and weigh between 30 and 35 pounds.
- +2 Dexterity, –2 Strength.
- Small: As a Small creature, a tallfellow gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Tallfellow base land speed is 20 feet.
- +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
- +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the tallfellow’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
- +2 racial bonus on Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Like an elf, a tallfellow who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check as though actively looking for it.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc.
- Favored Class: Rogue. A multiclass tallfellow’s rogue class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
- Level Adjustment: +0
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
20 years | +2d4 | +3d6 | +4d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
50 years | 75 years | 100 years | +5d20 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 4’ 0” | +2d4 | 30 lb. | × (1) lb. |
Female | 3’ 10” | +2d4 | 25 lb. | × (1) lb. |
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