Nicole Tissot, pirate queen

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"By weight of numbers, the sides would seem to be evenly matched, but the red-haired woman leading the assault on the galleon cut a bloody swath through the the Spanish crew. A rallying battle cry howled over the waves, as the red-haired demoness -- the pirate queen, Nicole Tissot -- pierced another foe. Her rapier went right through sailor's heart, while the dagger in her left hand averted the victim's final blow. With a disrespectful kick, the body was sent to the sea where a slew of sharks already waited for their next treat." -- Scene #1

  • cruel
  • French
  • off-hand dagger
  • red hair
  • strong spirit
  • sympathetic character
  • thirsty
  • tired
  • sore
  • beautiful
  • veteran of many battles