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Racial Traits Average height: 7ft - 8ft Average weight: 330lbs - 440lbs
Ability scores: +3strength +2constitution -3Intelligence Size: Medium Speed: 4 squares(8 when rushing) Vision: low-light
Languages: common Skill bonuses: +4 intimidate
Beast origin: You are at the highest point of beast evolution but still posses your ancestors animalistic rage and brutish figure.
Weapon proficiency: You gain proficiency in using both hand axes and spears. Natural resistance: due to your lack of magical strength you loose 1 for every spell you cast but gain 2 restance when attacked by magic.
Bull Rush: this is an ability that is used at anytime. it causes you to to gain 2 strength and move at double, normal speed at the cost of 2 dexterity.
This race is for you if:
- you want to tower over your allies
- have the head of a bull
- and have almost unsurpassed strength