
Материал из RPGround Wiki
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/** Размещённый здесь CSS будет применяться ко всем темам оформления */

/* [[wikipedia:ru:MediaWiki:Common.css|Википедия:Оформление таблиц]] */
table.standard, table.wide
 {border:1px solid #AAAAAA; border-collapse: collapse}
table.standard th, table.wide th, table.wikitable th
 {border:1px solid #AAAAAA; padding-left:0.2em; padding-right:0.2em; background-color:#EEEEFF}
table.standard td, table.wide td
 {border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; padding-left:0.2em; padding-right:0.2em}
table.standard caption, table.wide caption, table.tiles caption
 {font-weight:bold; padding-top: 0.2em; padding-bottom:0.2em}
table.wide {width: 100 %}
table.simple {border-color:#AAAAAA; border-collapse:collapse}
table.simple th, table.simple td {border-color:#AAAAAA; padding-left:0.2em; padding-right:0.2em}
table.tiles {border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:2px}
table.tiles th {padding-left:0.2em; padding-right:0.2em; background-color: #EEEEFF}
table.tiles td {padding-left:0.2em; padding-right:0.2em; background-color: #F0F0F0}
table.graytable {background:#f0f0f0; padding:1em; width: 100 %}
table.graytable caption {padding:0.5em 0 0 0; background:#f0f0f0; font-size:100 %; font-weight:bold}
table.graytable caption span.subcaption {font-size:80 %; font-weight:normal}
table.graytable th, table.graytable td {font-size:80 %}
table.wikitable, table.prettytable
 {margin:1em 1em 1em 0; background:#F9F9F9; border:1px solid #AAAAAA; border-collapse:collapse}
table.wikitable th, table.wikitable td,
table.prettytable th, table.prettytable td
 {border:1px solid #AAAAAA; padding:0.2em}
table.wikitable caption, table.prettytable caption
 {margin-left:inherit; margin-right:inherit; font-size:larger; font-weight:bold}
table.prettytable th
tr.highlight th {background-color: #EEEEFF}
tr.highlight td {background-color: #FFFFEE}
tr.bright th {background-color: #CCCCFF}
tr.bright td {background-color: #FFEECC}
tr.shadow th, tr.shadow td {background-color: #F0F0F0}
tr.dark th, tr.dark td {background-color: #CCCCCC}
table th.highlight {background-color: #EEEEFF}
table td.highlight {background-color: #FFFFEE}
table th.bright {background-color: #CCCCFF}
table td.bright {background-color: #FFEECC}
table th.shadow, table td.shadow {background-color: #F0F0F0}
table th.dark, table td.dark {background-color: #CCCCCC}
table th.transparent, table td.transparent, .transparent {background-color: transparent}
table.toccolours th {background-color: #ccccff}

span.spoilerline { border: solid 1px white; }
span.hiddenline { color:white; border: dotted 1px black; }
div.transparent, span.transparent { opacity:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); }
a.tinytext { font-size:80%; }
span.versiondata, span.wordvariant { display:none; }

.collapseButton {		/* 'show'/'hide' buttons created dynamically by the        */
	float: right;		/* CollapsibleTables JavaScript in [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] */
	font-weight: normal;	/* are styled here so they can be customised.              */
	text-align: right;
	width: auto;
	cursor: pointer;
	padding-left: 4px;

.original:hover .hidden_original