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Страницы в категории «Rule»
Показано 200 страниц из 421, находящейся в данной категории.
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- SRD:Aberration Type
- SRD:Abilities (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Ability Burn
- SRD:Ability Damaged
- SRD:Ability Drained
- SRD:Ability Score Loss
- SRD:Ability Scores
- SRD:Abjuration School
- SRD:About Epic Magic Items
- SRD:About Epic Spells
- SRD:About Feats
- SRD:About Planes
- SRD:About Races
- SRD:Acid Effect
- SRD:Action Types
- SRD:Advancement (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Aid Another
- SRD:Aiming a Spell (Spell Descriptor)
- SRD:Air Effect
- SRD:Air Subtype
- SRD:Alignment
- SRD:Alignment (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Alternate Form
- SRD:Angel Subtype
- SRD:Animal Type
- SRD:Antimagic
- SRD:Antipsionic Feats
- SRD:Aquatic Subtype
- SRD:Aquatic Terrain
- SRD:Arcane Spells
- SRD:Arcane Spells and Armor
- SRD:Archon Subtype
- SRD:Armor
- SRD:Armor Class
- SRD:Armor Class (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Armor Qualities
- SRD:Astral Plane
- SRD:Attack (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Attack Damage
- SRD:Attack Roll
- SRD:Attacks of Opportunity
- SRD:Augmented Subtype
- SRD:Calling Subschool
- SRD:Carrying Capacity
- SRD:Casting Spells
- SRD:Casting Time (Spell Descriptor)
- SRD:Celestial
- SRD:Challenge Rating (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Change Shape
- SRD:Chaotic Effect
- SRD:Chaotic Evil
- SRD:Chaotic Good
- SRD:Chaotic Neutral
- SRD:Chaotic Subtype
- SRD:Charge
- SRD:Charisma
- SRD:Charm and Compulsion
- SRD:Charm Subdiscipline
- SRD:Charm Subschool
- SRD:Checked
- SRD:Clairsentience Discipline
- SRD:Classes
- SRD:Cleric Domains
- SRD:Cleric Spell List
- SRD:Cold Effect
- SRD:Cold Immunity
- SRD:Cold Subtype
- SRD:Colossal
- SRD:Combat
- SRD:Components (Spell Descriptor)
- SRD:Compulsion Subdiscipline
- SRD:Compulsion Subschool
- SRD:Concealment
- SRD:Confused
- SRD:Conjuration School
- SRD:Constitution
- SRD:Constrict
- SRD:Construct
- SRD:Construct Type
- SRD:Cover
- SRD:Cowering
- SRD:Creating Magic Items
- SRD:Creating Psionic Items
- SRD:Creation Subdiscipline
- SRD:Creation Subschool
- SRD:Creature Spells and Powers
- SRD:Creatures
- SRD:Creatures as Races
- SRD:Cure Spells
- SRD:Cursed Items
- SRD:Damage Reduction
- SRD:Darkness Effect
- SRD:Darkvision
- SRD:Dazed
- SRD:Dazzled
- SRD:Dead
- SRD:Deafened
- SRD:Death Attack
- SRD:Death Effect
- SRD:Demon Subtype
- SRD:Desert Terrain
- SRD:Devil Subtype
- SRD:Dexterity
- SRD:Diminutive
- SRD:Disabled
- SRD:Disarm
- SRD:Disease
- SRD:Divination School
- SRD:Divine Abilities
- SRD:Divine Feats
- SRD:Divine Minions
- SRD:Divine Ranks
- SRD:Divine Spells
- SRD:Dragon Type
- SRD:Druid Spell List
- SRD:Druid's Animal Companion
- SRD:Dungeons
- SRD:Duration (Spell Descriptor)
- SRD:Dwarf Subtype
- SRD:Dying
- SRD:Earth Effect
- SRD:Earth Subtype
- SRD:Electricity Effect
- SRD:Elemental Plane of Air
- SRD:Elemental Plane of Earth
- SRD:Elemental Plane of Fire
- SRD:Elemental Plane of Water
- SRD:Elemental Type
- SRD:Elf Subtype
- SRD:Enchantment School
- SRD:Energy Drain, Negative Levels, and Level Loss
- SRD:Energy Drained
- SRD:Entangled
- SRD:Environment
- SRD:Environment (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Epic Feats
- SRD:Epic Level Basics
- SRD:Epic Obstacles
- SRD:Epic Psionic Powers
- SRD:Epic Spell Seeds
- SRD:Epic Spells (Spells)
- SRD:Epic Spells and Powers
- SRD:Equipment
- SRD:Ethereal Plane
- SRD:Etherealness
- SRD:Evasion and Improved Evasion
- SRD:Evil Effect
- SRD:Evil Subtype
- SRD:Evocation School
- SRD:Exhausted
- SRD:Exploration and Environment
- SRD:Extraplanar Subtype
- SRD:Falling
- SRD:Familiars
- SRD:Fascinated
- SRD:Fast Healing
- SRD:Fatigued
- SRD:Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions
- SRD:Fear
- SRD:Fear Effect
- SRD:Feats
- SRD:Feats (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Feint
- SRD:Fey Type
- SRD:Fiend
- SRD:Fighter Bonus Feats
- SRD:Figment Subschool
- SRD:Fine
- SRD:Fire Effect
- SRD:Fire Immunity
- SRD:Fire Subtype
- SRD:Flanking
- SRD:Flat-Footed
- SRD:Flight
- SRD:Fly
- SRD:Force Effect
- SRD:Forest Terrain
- SRD:Free Actions
- SRD:Frightened
- SRD:Full Attack (Creature Statistic)
- SRD:Full-Round Actions