Universalis 1/Props

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< Universalis 1
Версия от 17:21, 29 мая 2009; EvilCat (обсуждение | вклад)
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"Props ... can be physical objects, like a car or sword or valuable oil painting. They can also be intangibles like religions, ideologies, organizations, etc." -- Universalis, p 32

Unnamed props


Pirate sloop

"A rising wind swirled through the acrid smoke that billowed up from a pair of sailing ships: a lumbering Spanish galleon locked into close combat with a smaller pirate vessel." -- Scene #1.

  • agile
  • cannons

Spanish galleon

"A rising wind swirled through the acrid smoke that billowed up from a pair of sailing ships: a lumbering Spanish galleon locked into close combat with a smaller pirate vessel." -- Scene #1.

  • huge
  • cannons


"As the waves turned crimson from blood, storm became stronger. Clouds grew heavy and black, but it wouldn't rain. Waves raged more and more, and, finally, a lightning struck the sloop's mast." --Scene #1

  • sinister
  • supernatural
  • violent
  • heavy rain (x2)
  • howling winds
  • monstrous waves - calmed in the end of Scene #2.

Coconut palms

"There was a patch of palm trees inward the land, not far from the shore." --Scene #3

  • a patch

Master props

Dog corpse

"The pile turned out a decomposing corpse of some hairy creature. Two black crabs, smaller than the last one, was nipping its crimson flesh. The only eye, the color of gold, was staring back at Nicole, and uneven teeth grinned in a crazy smile." --Scene #5

  • master component
  • dog thing
  • stench
  • contagious